Saturday, June 4, 2016

I was reading about a guy who was shot in the chest and the bullet was so close to his heart to close to a main artery, the doctor told him that if he went after it, it is a possibility that the surgery could kill because the bullet was lodged in so deeply.  So he told him that the best thing was to leave it there and that was his only chance for survival.  The patient was concerned that the bullet that was designed to kill him was going to be a part of his life for the rest of his life. Literally!  He is a walking miracle.  He is living a full life with no limitation.  Thank you Jesus, for the restoring this mans life.

I said that to touch on a sensitive subject, which is deep rooted pain that could have happened recently or in childhood.  I mean pain that was designed to kill you, your purpose and try to get you to not fulfilling your destiny.  Some issues that some people have to deal with are so painful that if God would uproot that thing it is quite possible because of depth of the pain they wouldn't make it.  I know, I get it when something hurts the first thing that we want to do is to get it out. 

You may be living with pain that is deeply rooted in your soul and it won't go away I want to encourage you to allow God to make you a walking miracle.  Some things won't be completely removed but that doesn't have to limit your life, limit the quality of life. You can live a full life in spite of the things that enemy designed to kill you. I remember asking God to just take the pain that I thought was hindering me and the same scripture he said to Paul "My grace is sufficient” no matter what you are dealing with. God will get you through. 

Years later after they interviewed gunshot victim, they asked him how was it dealing with living with that bullet inside of him, his response said that he really doesn't think about it much and when he does he thinks about it he thinks how blessed he is and how he could have allowed the anger of the person to stop him from being who he is today. But with a lot of praying and a lot of soul searching he was able to forgive and move on.   I was inspired by this it was so moving.  I beg you if you are allowing the pain from the past to stop you for living your present life the life that God has for you please reevaluate your situation the past pain isn't worth your future blessings.  Forgive those who hurt you.  It is time to live a blessed life. The scars of the past pain should just be a memory on how good God is and how he blocked the enemies plan to destroy you.  Live your life on purpose with a purpose let the past go.  Be blessed!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stolen Happiness Last Only For A Minute!!

Stolen Happiness Last Only For A Minute!!

I remember one summer day when I was a teenager and one of my friends were heading out to the skating ring and she had on a really nice outfit and I remember her being so proud because she knew she looked good.  It was kind of expensive, something that our parents couldn’t afford to buy.  After we had been there for awhile a young lady asked her where did she get that outfit from and right at that moment I noticed how her demeanor changed, she went from proud to kind of evasive, she really didn’t want to get into the details on it, because the outfit she was wearing was stolen from a department store.  Her response was she didn’t remember where she got it from. The shame of how she obtained the outfit overshadowed the fact that the outfit was really nice.  She tried to change the subject and it worked , well  it worked for the other person but my friend really had a hard time because now the outfit represented shame for her.  She couldn’t even enjoy herself after that.  
People who have gotten their desires by someone else’s loss or pain will have consequences brought down on them and sometimes they will have to pay twice as much or more.   People get away with stealing all the time in the physical but they will never get away with it in the spiritual.  One thing about someone who steals, they set themselves up to being a victim.  My friend had clothes stolen from her that same month.  Although she got away with stealing clothes she reaped what she sowed.

God sees everything, even though people might have thought they have gotten away with stealing money from someone, I am sure that they have lost more than the stole.  Stealing that job which they are probably catching hell on, could be that relationship that was stolen please have patience because you are in for a ride of your life.
I do know that you will never be able to enjoy stolen things, well at least not for long.  Anything stolen has it shame attached to it even if someone never gets caught because one day, there will be questions regarding it, and you will have to give an answer.  Whenever someone obtains things in a dishonest way God isn’t pleased.   
When we are in possession of something that wasn’t meant for us we will not be able to really enjoy the true value of it.  

I remembered feeling envious of my friends outfit because I wanted to look good also but one thing stopped me from pursuing the same path “FEAR” I wasn’t going to risk getting caught for an outfit.  If my mom couldn’t afford it I didn’t make it a priority to obtain.  I think that sometimes in life our desires for the things of the World drives us to want to take it but when we wait on God there will be no consequences attached to the blessings nor will there be shame.  Desires for the wrong things could lead us to covet. 

cov·et desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard forthe rights of others: to covet another's property. wish for, especially eagerly: He won the prize they all coveted.

Going through my divorce I experienced great desire to avoid emotional pain of it, I was to the point of desperation that I was willing to steal my peace, my happiness, my joy by being with someone else before I was divorced but I thank God that my fear stopped me.  It wasn’t the fear of anything else but me disconnecting from Him.  That was my biggest fear.  I didn’t want to pay the price for something that wouldn’t last because it was stolen.  In Proverbs 1:19 Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it.

I just want to encourage those who pursued their fleshly desires and gotten caught up for whatever reasons there is forgiveness and restoration ahead of you if you repent.    The bible is full of restoration stories. 

Fleshly desires leads to covetous and covetous will sometimes lead you to steal.  Thou shall not steal is the eighth commandment.

  Be Blessed!!