Some people are just living to die and there are others that are fighting to live. Don't live your life without hope, without expectation. Jesus didn't die for us for us to have no hope. He died so we can live. I see some many people who are fighting cancer some of them dying of cancer who really spend their weak moments encouraging someone who has a broken heart. I know this is because I was the one who was being encouraged by someone who was fighting for their life. I noticed her strength her determination her faith. I didnt know what she was going thru until after she listened to my issues of pain. I felt so bad after hearing what she was going through but it gave me what I needed to know which is everyone is going through somethings but it is all about perspective. I took notice of how different our perspectives were mine was a place of just giving up and hers was that she is going to do whatever it took to live. She said it didnt feel good and she had bad moments but she prayed for strength to get thru those moments. So trust me when i tell you when you decide that you want to fight to live your perspective will change. You will start to include Jesus in your issues. I don't know what u might be facing today but I dare u to pray and not about your issues ask God to reveal to you who is worst off than you are and start to pray for them. I am not trying to minimize your pain, your worries, issues or circumstances I am trying to get you to fight to get to the maximum of what God has for you. Don't allow your issues to keep you in a vicious cycle of living your life just making it. I have learned that I can not put magnifying glass to my emotions or issues it makes it bigger than what it is and put God under the microscope making Him smaller than who He is. Not ever good to do. So what ever you are facing today face it with hope and expect to make it to the other side because there is another side and when u know that you will start fighting to live the life that Christ died for you to have. Remember it could be worst. Take time to pray for someone else.
Be Blessed
Be Blessed