Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown

Thinking back when I was going through my divorce and the emotions that came along with it. I really can't explain how painful this process was for me. What I can disclose is that I hadn't ever experienced that much pain before. My world as I knew it was turned upside down going through a divorce is extremely hard and emotionally draining. Change was knocking at my door and I was not ready to deal with it. I have always been afraid of change even if the situation was going from bad to good. The fear of the unknown stops me and makes me want to turn back to the familiar. I know what I had,  I just don’t know what I will get was one of my biggest fear. Should I turn back to what I have always known which is pain, rejection anger and most of all insecurities or should I move forward and trusting God was my one of my biggest struggle. One of my old friends told me that she had a vision that I was in the hall way and there were two doors one was closed and dark, the other one was open and was bright but something in me was focused on the closed dark door. My ex husband has even told me that I embraced pain as a way of life. That was then and this is now I have no reason to be afraid of the unknown because in God’s word in Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Moving ahead to something new is scary for everyone , doubt creeps in but it requires that we have faith that God is there every step of the way. My divorce is final and I have no choice but to trust that God’s Will for my life is for my good and I can't allow my emotions to send me into panic mode like I have no hope. When we allow our emotions to drive, we tend to do and say stupid stuff but if we stand firm on God’s Word we will see the victory. I received this verse this morning which is from Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” not only did I receive this morning. In this verse I just replaced Egyptians with what I was going thru, so it said the pain I feel today I will never see again. So I just want to encourage you that whatever you are going thru that has you worried or in pain let it go and let God fight it for you. When you read further down in Exodus 14 15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. 17 I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. God is telling us to move on and He will make a way out for us and He will allow our problems, trials and tribulations to come after us not to get us but so that He can get the Glory. I have to admit moving on to the next chapter in my life was scary but when I read the Word I have hope that He allowed me to go through this for my good but His Glory. As I was writing this, a text message came thru with the scripture Isaiah 43:19 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. God is so amazing!! He is with us in our darkest moments please just know that.  Trust and believe what God is doing in your life. 

Be Blessed!!

Chinese water torture


Chinese water torture is a process in which water is slowly dripped onto a person's forehead, allegedly driving the restrained victim insane. Women if you are constantly nagging your husband (boyfriend) this could be consider torture and will eventually drive him to brink of insanity. Proverbs 27:15 A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike. I been there, done that it doesn't work. Here are two definitions that are important
1. nagging- To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.
2. contentious- tending to argue or quarrel
If your using one or both of these method to get your spouse (boyfriend) right . PLEASE STOP IT FOR THE SAKE OF HIS INSANITY OR YOUR MARRIAGE (Relationship). It is not your job to get anyone right but SELF. Go to God and leave His job to Him. Focus on what He has called you to do which is to respect your spouse. I dont care if you had been doing it for five minutes or 15 years it needs to stop today. Your house should be contentious free and a no nagging zone. As a woman, I don't want to compared to a rainy day because sometimes too much rain shuts things down, it can destroy and besides that you cant build anything in the rain. Trust me when I say when you stop the nagging and start praying Watch God Move in your Marriage.

Men if you see this in your wife (girlfriend) pray for her to be delivered from that spirit and while you are praying please ask God to help you discern between nagging and addressing concerns there is a difference and if she is addressing concerns she has that right. If a woman feels that she has to nag you to get something done then it is a communication breakdown some where and as the leader of your home it is your responsibility to address it.

Be encouraged it is never too late to begin again.

God Bless

just a thought ruth

Attn: Ladies i was reading Ruth 3, when Naomi was giving Ruth instructions on how to get Boaz's attention. Ruth did everything Naomi told her to do and in the end Ruth was blessed with Boaz. I noticed some things about Ruth, one Ruth had to be open to the advice, two she had a heart to consider the advice and three she was humble enough to accept the advice and lastly she had enough faith to apply the advice. Going thru relationship issues, looking for your Boaz? Are you willing to be like Ruth? Opening your mind to change, having the heart consider the change, be humble enough acceptting that change is needed and lastly faithfully applying the change. Wanting something different requires doing something different. Just a thought!!
God Bless

just a thought

I was at walmart and saw something I thought was great it looked really cool but when I got it home I had buyers remorse at first I was like man I am stuck with this and then a friend told me to take it back I said i opened it she said walmart takes anything back likewise if we sin we dont have to be stuck we can repent to God he will accept us back i didnt have my receipt the only thing that saved me was it was an exclusive item that Walmart sold you see God knows his product. God Bless

extreme makeover

Do you guys remember the Extreme Makeover show when people who had issues with their looks and they had a chance to get a makeover some major and some minor. Do you remember the surgery and the pain that they endured? Do you remember the final reveal at the end of the show? Well I just want to encourage you that whatever stage you are in, the final reveal is worth every bit of pain that you have endured or you are enduring. Just know that God is the master of Extreme Makeovers. God Bless