Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stop Looking Back

Stop Looking Back
Carolyn McCardell

When watching scary movies like Friday the 13th, when the villain Jason was chasing his victims though the woods I noticed that the victims always seem to fall and end up getting caught. I know it was just a movie and I should not put too much thought into but I could not help but to wonder why is it that they always seem to fall.  I noticed instead of them looking ahead to get escape the danger they were always looking back. It was the looking back that caused them to fall.

 This reminds of me Genesis 19:26  Lot ’s wife when she disobeyed the command of not looking back she became a pillar of salt. The Hebrew for “looked back” means more than to glance over one’s shoulder. It means to regard, to consider, to pay attention to.   When God is trying to move us to safe place we must trust Him enough to know the place He is bringing us out of can’t compare to the place He is taking us to.  We get so fixated on the past we until we become stagnant staying in that place of danger and pain.  Sometimes He removes people and things from our lives in order to save us. It is so hard, nearly impossible to move forward looking backwards. Looking ahead is what is going to get you out of your situation. There is no point in looking back about the relationship that failed, no looking back about the person who had wronged you, no looking back on the things that you cannot change. I love this prayer “Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” There is no sense in looking back on what happened yesterday or years ago. Let it go and start moving forward. Your past does not define your future. The only reason you need your past is to reflect back on how good God is. Don’t be a victim of your past.  God Bless

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