Wilderness is not livable it is survivable!!
I understand that a lot of people especially men want to give honor to their survival skills. They say things like I am a survivor. I understand that we sometimes hit a wilderness situation in our lives and we have no choice but to survive. I truly believe a lot of our people just start unpacking in the wilderness, they think this is it, but that is so far from the truth I truly think we delay our own promise land moments because of ignorance, fear, disobedience, complaining and just lack of faith. What should have taken Israelites to make the journey was one –two weeks but it took them forty years. Some of them died in the wilderness. I don’t want any of my loved ones to die in the wilderness nor do I want any of my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is so possible for that to happen if one you think this is it that you were only meant to survive life or two we are so busy complaining or being disobedient and really don’t want to submit to the Will of God.
One of my major concerns are a lot of us are not going to be able to make it because we don’t either know the word or we know the word but don’t do the word.. Jesus came back to give us life and more abundantly he didn’t come back just for you to say you survived life. No you live life and your survive the storms in your life. To all of my people who are living in the wilderness and say that you are soldier and you r a suvivor I hate to be the barrrier of the bad news you only are considered to be a survior when you come out, until then no don’t have any more bragging rights about you being a survior. We are more than survivors we are Victorious people but you would not know that until you get in Gods Word and apply it to your lives. Wilderness is not a livable place. It shouldn’t ever be your final destination no matter what. God allows us to go thru the wilderness sometimes not to punish us or to see us suffering but as preparation. And of course some of us take the wrong turns in life that leads us to the wilderness but be encouraged He is with us in the wilderness and He will be with us in the promise land. I love you guys and want you to know that there is more to life than just barely surviving. The Word says” My people perish from a lack of knowledge”. Get into His Word so you can start living your life as God intended you to. No more long trips in the wilderness, do not get comfortable in wilderness like situations. That is temporary. Your promise land is just a week or two away! It is all about Trusting God!!
God Bless
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