Sunday, April 1, 2012

Never allow your emotions to override the truth

My stepfather use to fuss with everyone he was a man who drove you crazy but no one could stay mad at him long. One of his favorite saying when fussing with my mom was that if she continue to do whatever they were fussing about that all of her children will be born naked lol!! My mom was so caught up in the fussing that she denied that it could ever be possible. She told him that he was a lie that none of her kids were born naked and then she had to think about it lol!!

Point of the story is never allow your emotions to override your senses or the truth. The truth is the truth whether you are mad or not. Every child will be born naked and no amount of anger could ever change that , People see the truth through their own emotions and no matter if they are mad at you or not you are who you are. And that is the truth nothing else matters. My stepfather knew how to push her buttons and others know how to push yours and the way you can deal with that is dont allow your emotions to take over. Be Blessed

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