Sunday, April 1, 2012

No Story No Glory

If you are dealing with something and shame is keeping you quiet
If your shame is louder than you cry out.
If you are drowning and you are to ashamed to ask for help.
If you are drinking or doing drugs to forget your shame.
I just want you to know that
shame/silence is the one of the biggest weapon that the enemy uses against  Christians
shame is meant to keep you silent and silent is meant to keep you in bondage
And bondage is meant to keep you stagnant
Stagnancy means not to advance or develop.

In the ER on electronic monitor when a line is the same all the way across the screen means that the person has flat lined and flat lined means that person has died. The meaning of flat lined: in a state of no progress or advancement and that is what the enemy wants for our lives. He not only wants us to be physically dead he also wants us to be spiritually dead not living the life that God wants us to live.
God can only get the glory when we open our mouths. Don’t live in bondage because you are too afraid to say something. I have did things based on my own understanding because I did not have the courage to open my mouth about the things that enemy had me to believe.
No matter what we have done it can never separate us from God’s love.

No story no Glory.

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